Disruption at Pemberley

Title and Author: Disruption at Pemberley by Emily Russell Type: Pride and Prejudice Variation Perspective: Elizabeth Romance Level: Kissing Recommended: Yes, 2.5 stars Summary: This variation separates from the original when Elizabeth is traveling in Derbyshire. In stead of meeting at his home, Darcy comes upon Elizabeth and the Gardiners when they are being held up by highwaymen. Darcy scares the men off, only after Mr Gardiner has been hurt and must recover at the nearby Pemberley. As he recovers, he must not be moved forcing Darcy and Elizabeth together at Pemberley. As they seek to bring the highway men to justice, Elizabeth comes into contact with the men two times to see them caught Pros: * I like the slow warming Elizabeth gets to Darcy. Even though she is eventually forced into a decision, she has changed her opinion by then. * Having the Gardiners be the main family in this story was fun. * It was fun seeing Elizabeth be the hero (but see below...) Cons: * I...