So Far Away
Title and Author: So Far Away by P.O. Dixon Type: Pride and Prejudice Variation Perspective: Darcy and Elizabeth Romance Level: Austen-esque Recommended: no, 2.5 stars (the first in the series was best) Summary: This is part 2 after Lady Elizabeth . When she finds out the truth of her past, she knows she must return to Longbourne to her "true" family, but knows she can never leave her other family, her brother, Avery-now the Duke of Dunsmore, and mother, Lady Sophia-behind. But life at Longbourne is not idyllic. Her sisters are not well bred or intelligent and no one seems to mind. Mr. Darcy promises he will wait for her ,but he didn't imagine the accidents and conniving people that would keep him away from her. A lie almost keeps him away for good. Pros The relationship between Lady Sophia, Avery and Elizabeth is sweet. I liked Elizabeth taking her father to task for the behavior of her sisters. One wishes she would/could in the original. The relationship between Jane an...