Midnight in Austenland

Title and Author: Midnight in Austenland by Shannon Hale
Type: Austen related literature
Perspective: Main character, Charlotte
Romance Level: kissing
Recommended: yes, 2.5 stars

Summary: After Charlotte Kinder's husband leaves her for another woman, she needs some romance that doesn't require blind dates. She books a two week vacation at Austenland and leaves her kids with him. As she meets the Austen characters in residence, not as is as it seems. While there is a pretend mystery to solve, it seems as though a larger mystery that actually needs Charlotte's attention. She seems to be paired with Mr. Mallery, but is he as authentically brooding as he seems? or is he hiding something? And what is Miss Gardenside's ailment if not consumption? Was that actually a dead body she found in the hidden room? Will she find her Mr. Darcy after all? Or will Northanger Abbey rule her stay?

* It was fun to wait to see who the "good guys' and "bad guys" were.
* I liked the mystery of Miss Gardenside.
* There was a true mystery to solve

* Charlotte is so wishy-washy that I almost didn't care when she grew a spine.
* True to Austen, everyone thinks the main character is amazing and she thinks she is normal. In this case however, she was rather normal. 
* When the mystery unfolded, there were events with the culprit that were quite far fetched. 


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